воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve been super busy trying to get a place here in Washington. Yes I now live in Washington State. We got a new addition to our family - weapos;ve had him since he was 11 weeks old and now he is 5 months. Heapos;s the coolest cat on the planet and his name is James Dean, rebel without a clue. We found a place now just pray we pass the credit check. Itapos;s beautiful, secluded and even deer and raccoons will walk right thru your back yard. Itapos;s perfect Love you all

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I was speaking to jem just now, just catching up and reminiscing on the good old days. The days of parties, gigs, block catching, suppers, night cycling... Days in which no one judged you and you could have good fun and hang out with 10 boys and not be bitched about. It has been approximately two whole years since we all caught up and weapos;re all so busy with our lives that we dont ever stop to remember these people that we grew up with. They are the ones who taught me how to survive in the world, how to be a stronger person and who looked out for me, always. And today, i miss that and those people terribly. Now, the world is so complicated, (or rather, it is still the same, but weapos;re growing up and we make it complicated) and we have absolutely no time or patienceto enjoy the simple things in life- to sit down with the people who matter and have a nice cup of coffee. Do you reckon that God put these people into your life just for a moment, just for a few years and after that youapos;ll never have these people in your life again?�as much as we say we want to catch up and relive those days, it just seems so far away, everyone is grown up now, everyone is different. Then again, do we miss these people or do we miss the memories we made with these people?
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve volunteered to staff the apos;Get Out the Voteapos; Rally in Tacoma tomorrow, where Senator Joe Biden is going to be speaking. Washington is a solidly blue State, but Pierce County is less so, which I guess is why Senator Biden is visiting little olapos; Tacoma.

Iapos;m 56 years old and Iapos;ve voted in every Presidential election since I became eligible, but Iapos;ve never gone to a political rally to see a candidate in my life. Now here I am, not just attending, but staffing an event. Regardless of who wins the election, the Obama campaign is certainly impressive in the amount of enthusiasm it has generated.

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attention deficit disorder evaluation

I loathe feeling resentful. Seems as if there must be a core cause for resentment which, if clearly examined, would disperse that foul emotion like a pungent fart.

Feeling a lot of resentment at work lately. Yuck. Resentment at having my decisions questioned (donapos;t you know who I AMMMMMM???) by my colleagues and even administrators, which comes as a bit of a shock to me, since I am so accustomed to being treated as the font of wisdom, the source of balance, the arbiter of insight. So when people challenge me, I get a mite testy. Upon close examination, those resentments seem to stem from either a sense that my hard work is not being sufficiently appreciated, or from a sense that the person who is challenging me is getting above himself, which I find really odd, since I donapos;t consider myself to be a terribly hierarchical thinker...particularly in comparison to most of the super-Catholics. Those Catholics really do love a good pope. They crave the safety of an ultimate authority.

I also got super-resentful, for good reason this time, when a student whose parents keep SHRIEKING AT ME IN EMAILS TO SAVE THEIR DAUGHTER, despite their unwillingness to follow the protocol that would actually make her officially one of my students. I get a bit fed up with their slacking on their end of the bargain... And then the kid (whom I really do love) has the gall to come in and ask me blithely to stay afterward this Sunday (which is our Open House: I have to sacrifice my whole Sunday to sell the school) to administer a test for her. H-E-L-L-O I just laughed at her. "Then could you come in on Monday to do it?" Monday is the day off weapos;ve been given instead of Columbus Day (excuse me, I meant Dead Indigenous Peoplesapos; Day). I looked at her incredulously.
"I DO have a personal life, you know," I responded with heat. "Yeah, I didnapos;t think it was such a good idea, but my parents wanted me to try."

"Please tell your parents that they are being extremely unreasonable," I replied. She giggled.

Then thereapos;s another resentment, which is purely petty, even I will admit. A colleagueapos;s father just died. He was 73 or so, and had been riding his motorcycle up in the hills a couple of weekends ago, and hit a rail, and that was it. I kinda figure, if he was riding around on a Sunday morning at age 73, he probably didnapos;t want to die in bed. He probably went happy.

Anyhow, the deceased was really a lovely man. He was a psychiatrist, an expert in the same field in which I work, also known as the "neuro-diverse", and he diagnosed and served as therapist for many of my students, and a not-inconsiderable number of my colleagues as well. He came and made a few presentations about ADD to the faculty, years ago, which were vastly entertaining and quite informative. Iapos;ve always been quite fond of him, and apparently the sentiment was returned, because the daughter, my colleague, called me a few days after his death to ask whether the family could list my program as the recipient for any memorial donations. Which is just lovely, and Iapos;m honored, really I am. This woman, my colleague, shared a recent email with me from the mom of one of my students who had been treated by this man in which she waxed MOST effusive in praise of the work I did for her daughter when she was my student. Moreover, to my immense gratification, for she had been a most difficult parent, she accurately identified the goals I had set for my work with her daughter. Gee, maybe I wasnapos;t as subtle as I thought I was being

Anyhow, she recalled how whenever my name arose in conversation, this guy, the dead father, would chuckle, and remark how much he enjoyed me and respected my work. Awwww.

So I donapos;t resent any of that, but I DO resent having to go to the funeral Which, really, I know I have to do. But I am just sick and fucking tired of driving down the Peninsula And none of the carpoolians are around to share the misery I just want to sit home and potter in my little garden in preparation for the apos;rentsapos; visit next weekend. Sheesh

Ok, bitch sesh over. Me and my pity-party are going away now. Pthffffft

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dedee pfeiffer

Yes Iapos;m gonna go there. Oh he that is considered God of new music. Get over it.

This is because I read the most factually incorrect article on monday courtesy of Andrzej Lukowski for the Metro

It goes something like this:

Whether you think Alex Turner is such a lyrical genius that schools should ditch Shakespeare for the words to Mardy Bum or not, one thing is indisputable; he knows how to spend his cash. Most pertinently, heapos;s poured a huge chunk of Arctic Monkeysapos; lucre into The Last Shadow Puppets. He and Miles Kane have taken the Monkeysapos; witticism-heavy pop-rock template and married it to the type of luscious Scott Walker/ Ennio Morricone orchestration that only lots and lots of money can buy. That theyapos;ve less of a national chord than Arctic Monkeys is not in any doubt, as is the fact that Kaneapos;s band, The Rascals, havenapos;t exactly reaped any benefits. However, as anyone who saw the Puppets at the Reading and Leeds festivals this summer can attest, none of this seems to matter when your live band features a 20-piece orchestra. Indeed, if the Puppets lack some of the Monkeysapos; focus on record, the stirring whirlwhind of strings and the fact that they actually look like theyapos;re enjoying themselves arguably makes them more enjoyable live proposition. The duo have talked about continuing indefinately, though pending the discovery Kane has one heck of a trust fund, you canapos;t imagine he has much to say�in the matter. For now, this band still has the air of a pleasurable indulgence - for us as well as them.

So can anyone see whatapos;s wrong?

Well mu major point is the fact that he is claiming that this is all funded by Alex Turner. Now however much he has put in I donapos;t think he funds it all, considering the fact that record labels, and especially the superb indie label that Domino is, do put collateral behind a band, not the band paying for it themselves. Hmmmm I wonder what Domino think about this article? .........

Til next time

Indie Sindy�

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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ive been thinking about what happend to my little sister alot. Im so torn and i dont think anything can make me feel better. I just wish i could have been there to stop it from happening.� i dont need more things on my mind rite now. It feels like everything crashing down on me.� i wish i could talk to jared about it. I hate bottleng up everything but that is how i deal with my problems. I feel like a bad friend cus i dont tell my best friend much.� i think i just need to find someone tht i can talk to about anything but its hard. Everyone ive loved has hurt me in some way. Everything works out eventually i guess...

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Online at work. -_-; Bored out of my mind. The people all left for a convention in Vegas~ So only the women are left in the office.


Iapos;m gonna make some FFXI signatures.

I stepped on a mini mochi today. It got all over my shoes. :( Itapos;s sticky like gum too~

Hungry...I want some Korean food. I miss being able to see hunneh here and there everyday. I still dunno why I came back to CA. Iapos;m not gaining anything.

Parents still psycho. And my broapos;s off to college at Davis =/

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