понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

april witch

I am worried about Margaret. I saw her today from my living room window and she seemed upset, I had thought about nipping across the road and saying hello, but i changed my mind. Sometimes when you are griveving like she is, it is best to let them get on with it and Margaret probably wanted privacy. But i am keeping an eye out for her, i think Lynn would have appreicated that. Itapos;s only been what two months if that since Lynn died and i knew this would hit her around about now. But at least Lynn is out of pain now and at rest. But i know that does not make it any easier for Margaret. I wonder if she will stay in her house or sell up and move away? In the meantime though i will be watching out for her.
�� Made a video for my Mother today. I cannot believe i actually did it. I just hope my Mother would have enjoyed it. I decided to make the video private as i did not want the whole world seeing it. And even then i only sent it to Susa, Rebecca, Amanda, Jennifer, KCS and Linda. All of whom have shown me great kindness and friendship in the last few months and whose friendship i value very much. Actually i had intended to use the music from Gladiiator but UMG blocked that, must be an automatic filtering system. So i used music from Riverdance instead which is fine as i know Mummy loved Riverdance. Actually after her funeral i went home and played that Riverdance CD at top volume not caring one jot about the neighbours. Sometimes in a situation like that you just have to shut everyone out.
� I am glad Susa liked my article for her book. Hopefully that will give Susa a much needed boost To be honest i was not sure if what i wrote was ok, but it did come from the heart and at the end of the day that is what counts.

Back to work tomorrow, am dreading that, but i have no choice. Oh well i shall have to just get on with it sigh
april witch, april wine the band, april wine tabs, april wine tablature.

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